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Message from the Mayor of Lisbon on Flood Resilience

On November 30th, 2023, our systems helped the Civil Protection authorities in Lisbon resolve a road tunnel flooding in less than 20 minutes, from the moment the alert was issued to the tunnel being closed to traffic, cleared and reopened.

In a public statement, the Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas, praised our ultra-early flood detection system on national television, recognizing its critical role in safeguarding the city against severe flood damage.

By providing timely alerts and actionable data, our innovative technology enabled a swift and efficient response from Civil Protection authorities to recent flooding threats, preventing extensive damage and protecting the community.

This public endorsement highlights the real-world impact of our solutions in making Lisbon more resilient and adapted to extreme weather events.

As part of a broader strategy to combat climate change, Lisbon has been investing heavily in state-of-the-art technologies that enhance the city's capacity to adapt to unpredictable weather patterns and environmental challenges.

Our ultra-early flood detection systems are a key element of this approach, providing the city with the tools needed to anticipate and respond to flooding more effectively, ultimately safeguarding its citizens, infrastructure, and economy.

This recognition by Mayor Carlos Moedas reinforces Lisbon's commitment to leveraging innovative technologies to build a safer, more sustainable future.

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